Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi (died in 1317) - the most famous Sufi of his time, the recognized authority of Maverannahr. The exact date of birth of Mahmud Anzhir Fagnavi is unknown, we only know that it happened in the village of Fagnavi, which is located almost in the middle between Bukhara and Gijduvan, 20 km from Bukhara. According to eyewitnesses, Fagnavi was slightly above average height, with an open and smiling face, a regular straight nose and a somewhat large mouth. Unusually white-skinned, he wore a thick black beard, which beautifully set off a boiling-white turban - an indispensable attribute that the theologian never parted with. They say that the character of the famous Sufi was calm and not angry (like the Prophet Musa), and in general he was known as a pious and righteous person.