The first day of practice

Today is the first day of our practice work. Today we went to the Taq-i Sarrafon with our practice teacher Matluba Axmedovna. 
  The majestic trade dome Taq-i Sarrafon is located at the intersection of several streets that connect the city centre of Bukhara with a medieval suburb. ... The medieval Bukhara was a great trading city, welcoming merchants from all parts of Central Asia, from Iran and India, from Russia and China. The trading status of Bukhara was reflected in the planning and development of the city.
Taq-i Sarrafon Trading Dome
The shroffs (money-changers) effected their usurious and currency transactions under the shadow of Taq-i sarrafon.

The baths of the sarrafon, next door with the trading dome, an indispensable item of an urban public center, were sited next to the passage. Exceptional importance was attached to the medicinal and hygienic properties of baths. As Ibn Sina in his "Canon of Medical Science" has described, good baths must have a firm building, moderate temperature, bright light, pure air, roomy and attractively painted dressing-room and pleasant water.
The weather is cold. 🥶😊✍️


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