Abdul Khaliq Ghujdawani

Hello everyone. Dear subscribers, today I will tell you about the most famous places in Bukhara, 7 saints. Today I will give information about the first saint Khoja Abdul Khaliq Gijduvani.
Abdukholiq Gijduvoniy, Hoja Abdulkhaliq ibn Abduljamil Gijduvani (1103— Gijduvan - 1179) - one of the founders and theorists of the Khojagan mystical sect. Also known as Lord of the Rings. A copy of the work "Zikri vakioti Kho-jaiy Jahon Abdulkholiq Gijduvoniy" written in 1717 by an unknown author dedicated to his biography is kept in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. At the age of 9, he memorized the Qur'an. From the age of 10, he took an active part in the dhikr of dervishes. He learned the science of tafsir from his first teacher, Imam Sadriddin. At the age of 22, Yusuf met Hamadoni and became his murid. He devoted himself to prayer and rhyme, and for the rest of his life he completed 5 works. Of these, the book Maqomoti Khoja Yusuf Hamadoni ("The Qualities of Khoja Yusuf Hamadoni") describes the biography of the master and his teachings. AF Yusuf Hamadoni enriched his teachings in every way, introduced dhikr into practice, and formed the eight rules of the Khojaly sect. The teachings of AF were studied and interpreted by the great Sufis of the later period. For example, Ahmad ibn Mawlana Jalal al-Din Khojagi, better known by his nickname "Mahdumi a-zam", wrote four testaments of Ko-saniy A. G. in his work "Risolai chahor kalima" commented. The main part of the AF's teachings on mysticism is described in the Risala by Mawlana Sa'uddin Kashgari (8), the teacher of Abdurahman Jami. AF tomb in Gijduvan
He was tall, light-faced, with a slightly large head, broad chest and shoulders, and a stocky person. Also, Gijduvani was intelligent, sensitive and gentle Abdul Khaliq was born in the small town of Ghijduvan, near Bukhara. His father had migrated to Central Asia from Malatya, in eastern Anatolia where he had been a prominent faqih. While Abdul Khaliq was studying tafsir in Bukhara he first had an awakening of interest in the path. He received further training at the hands of Yusuf Hamdani, and was the next link in the Naqshbandi silsila following him.

The way Abdul Khaliq taught became known as the way of the Khojas - teachers.[1]

Abdul Khaliq bequeathed to subsequent generations of the Naqshbandi silsila a series of principles governing their Sufi practice, concisely formulated in Persian and known collectively as "the Sacred Words" (kalimat-i qudsiya), or the "Rules" or "Secrets" of the Naqshbandi Order.
